Abandoned villas
About month ago I took a trip to Kruunuvuorenranta with my mum to see the abandoned villas there. I've seen quite a few articles and pictures of them, so it was time to go there and see them with my own eyes before they would be totally destroyed. And it took almost a whole day to go through the about ten villas in the area and take...well...few pictures of them...and of us.

New home? When we went there it was a Monday afternoon. Nobody there. But when I went to the very same place on a sunny Sunday few weeks later, there were so many people, looking around, commenting on the condition of the house, so it was like the house was on sale and there was a viewing going on in the house. The only thing they didn't know was that my mum had the house already.

They are watching us. Like in every abandoned place, the villas were decorated by graffitis. There were eyes on me where ever I went. But I wasn't scared since I find graffitis very cool, if they're artistic and done with thought. Like this one. The Junior.

Natural light. Ok. Soon it went to this. Me taking poses by every possible window and door and sofa or whatever I found. The natural light was very beautiful although the day was cloudy. I'd really like to take someone there with me and have a proper photo shoot. Let me know if that someone is you!

Old stuff. Old houses have old furniture, tools, old papers, even old shoes and clothes in every corner. I found the papers very interesting. This one, a Social democratic paper saying Aids puhuttaa kaikkia - Everyone is talking about Aids, wasn't particularly old, just from 1987 but it was of current interest for me, since I just made a book review of a book telling about how Aids came to Finland, and how the writing about the disease on the 80s was very much sensational. Finally, I got proper proof of it!
Destroy and rebuild?
The setting. It's not only the villas that are interesting, it's also the whole milieu around them. In Kruunuvuorenranta, you have the sea and the view over the city, too. Although, it's kind of funny to look at the fallen villas and then on the other side of the bay see the brand new ones in Kulosaari.
I just wonder how the place is going to look when the winter comes and white snow surrounds the villas. I need to go back and see.
I just wonder how the place is going to look when the winter comes and white snow surrounds the villas. I need to go back and see.
Upeita kuvia! Tuolleen mustavalkoisettuna jännän ja ehkä hieman pelottavankin näköisiä. Erottuu tuo tonttukin hyvin.
VastaaPoistaKiitosta! Joo näin oli tarkoituskin; vähän dramatiikkaa peliin ja tontulle lisänäkyvyyttä!