Hanko - BMWs and Big Villas

Hanko was a bit different than I thought. It's in the very south part of Finland and known for its beaches and harbour. I was expecting nice, cosy small-town-atmosphere like in my two other favourite coast towns, Porvoo and Tammisaari. But instead, I found luxurious cars, big villas, well-dressed people and of course those beaches. It was a polished version of the town I had imagined, and slightly more boring. Or maybe it was just because the weather was half-cloudy?

No matter what I say, Hanko is beautiful. I think I should give it a chance and go there again when it's proper sunny day. Until that, I can just admire these views.

Villa life.

One of those fancy cars...

Beautiful stranger. 

Girls just wanna have fun.

Typical Hanko view. The sea is everywhere.

 Cool stuff.

It took a while to get a nice pic of the pond.

I wouldn't say no for this.

This I would.


  1. Ihania kuvia. Millä kameralla kuvaat?

  2. Kiitos Elina! Ja anteeksi, että vastaus viipyi. Minulla on Nikon D300S ja siinä Sigman 18-50 mm:n linssi. Löytyy myös Nikkor 70-300 mm, mutta sillä kuvailen harvemmin. Kovasti tietysti haaveilen paremmasta kalustosta, vaikka kyllä näidenkin haltuunotossa on vielä harjoiteltavaa :)


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